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A Million Identities. Eighteen Countries. OneLogin.

A Million Identities. Eighteen Countries. OneLogin.
Through Galileo’s network of 61 schools, the education group is present in over 106 campuses in 18 countries around the world and has over 210,000 enrolled students.


When Thomas Dechilly joined Galileo Global Education as the Chief Technology Officer, he managed all of IT, digital learning and services globally. While Dechilly was excited by the continued growth of Galileo Global Education, there were several challenges that came along with rapid expansion. For example, each school had multiple layers of security and governance that included the policies of both the operating country and corporate. Moreover, each local team had its own process of managing their end-user population — some used Active Directory and others did not.

Due to the lack of consistency across the globe, Dechilly was convinced they needed to invest in a flexible, cloud solution to manage their users all over the world in a way that was seamless and easy-to- adopt. Dechilly was looking for one platform to centralize IT access management that could also be accessible by any employee in any country.

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The most important feedback I got from my IT Directors about OneLogin was how the simplified access made such a huge difference in the day-to-day of everyone at Galileo Global Education worldwide.

Thomas Dechilly CTO, Galileo Global Education


Galileo Global Education embarked on an arduous 12-week selection process with multiple vendors to find the best solution for their staff, faculty, students, and alumni. Dechilly and his team dug deep and evaluated OneLogin, Okta, Systancia, and IBM. Their selection criteria was clear-cut: a simple user interface for all of their end-users, a consistent experience that transcended school and country borders, a cloud-based platform that the IT staff could use to manage and delegate, and a platform that could seamlessly integrate with their diverse set of apps (30-60 unique apps per institution).

“We are looking for a simple solution with a good user experience and a simple user interface. We want to facilitate the change management for a non-centralised organisation,” stated Dechilly.

The team conducted a total of ten test scenarios. These tests included:

  • Analysis of the simplicity of UX for their end users
  • Multi-tenancy capability, ie. the ability of each country or institution within Galileo Learning to manage their own OneLogin account and brand them separately
  • Integration with multiple Active Directory environments
  • Integration with popular applications such as O365 and Salesforce
  • Integration with some custom internal web based applications
  • API assessment

OneLogin was the preferred platform across the board. Some of the features that tipped the scales in OneLogin’s favor were the simplicity of the UX design, the ability for OneLogin to support multitenancy, and the price.


  • Simplified access across all campuses worldwide
  • Significant reduction in IT support tickets thanks to OneLogin’s self-serve password reset capability
  • Single source of truth for student, staff, and faculty access management
  • Ease of use of end user portal and application personalization

Die Geschichte

“The most important feedback I got from my IT Directors about OneLogin was how the simplified access made such a huge difference in the day-today of everyone at Galileo Global Education, in all eighteen countries worldwide,” stated Dechilly. In fact, each region was able to see gains. One of these same regions was also able to note a significant decrease in their workload since they no longer had to spend the same amount of time explaining how to find and authenticate into applications to their users. It gave the students and staff one source of truth and significantly minimized support tickets, especially ones pertaining to password reset.