The 4 Key Elements of a Next-Generation Identity and Access Management Platform

The proliferation of digital access has made the world more connected than ever before. With the availability of technology, endless devices, and global access points, today’s users—customers and employees—have the flexibility to interface with technology on their own terms. As a result, businesses are faced with the growing complexity of maintaining a secure environment and ensuring a seamless end-user experience.

Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions are at the forefront of enterprise security, enabling businesses to have more control over their user identities and sensitive data. However, the industry moves fast, and it is no longer enough to implement a Single Sign-On (SSO) solution or basic Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

Trusted Experiences

Businesses today need more. You need a next generation Identity and Access Management platform that you can trust—one that is always-on, provides context-aware authentication for your users, is easy to use, and scales as your business grows.

For your organization to truly embrace an Identity and Access strategy that keeps-pace with today’s speed-of-business, you must think holistically around what you need today, tomorrow, and beyond. For long-term success, a Trusted Experience Platform should be secure, scalable, smart, and simple to use.

This blog takes a look at the four key elements of a modern identity strategy. And if you want more information about how to build trusted experiences with IAM download our new ebook Next Generation Identity and Access Management: The Trusted Experience Platform.

1. Secure

Security is the cornerstone of trust. It’s the confidence that your identity solution is reliable and always-on, so you can focus on what matters—growing the business. You need an IAM platform that protects your organization against threats by securing and centralizing your applications, devices, and end-users all in-one-place.

Additionally, as your users need more access flexibility and hackers get more creative with how they take advantage of today’s dynamic workforce, you need more than basic Single Sign-On to keep your business and data safe. Instead, you need a platform with advanced machine learning capabilities, like OneLogin’s SmartFactor Authentication, to deliver real-time threat intelligence that helps automate the process of keeping your business secure.

2. Scalable

Your business is growing fast and you need an Identity and Access Management Platform that can scale as you take on more employees, partners, and customers. You simply can’t risk implementing a solution that doesn’t have the capacity to keep up with growth.

You need an IAM platform, like OneLogin, that was built for performance at scale. With a wide breadth of extensible functionality, we can expand and retract according to the changing needs of your business. Through enterprise-grade solutions, like our Sandbox and API Access, you can quickly test large-scale changes before going live in your production instance.

3. Smart

The risk of cyber attacks continue to increase as perpetrators look for smarter and less-detectable ways to circumvent security solutions. And for today’s businesses, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to implement solutions that evolve as the methods of attackers evolve. Although Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) has become the defacto tool to protect end-user credentials and your business’ sensitive data, static authentication simply isn’t enough.

Additionally, as Identity Management solutions seek to find more ways to secure the enterprise, user experience is often sacrificed, causing end-users to become increasingly agitated, often seeking out ways to evade having to authenticate several times.

OneLogin’s proprietary machine learning engine, VigilanceAI, delivers a context-aware authentication experience that adjusts in real-time based on the perceived level of threat and risk detected in a particular situation. Not only does SmartFactor provide more intelligent threat protection, but it also provides a better experience for the end-user, as the system learns and adapts authentication requirements based on the typical patterns of behavior.

4. Simple

Ease-of-use and speed-of-adoption are key to ensuring your identity and access management strategy is effectively rolled out across your organization. And in order to achieve total adoption, the solution you choose must be simple and straight-forward. And that means simple for you and simple for your users.

The OneLogin Trusted Experience Platform was built with useability in mind. We simplify identity and access management by providing a seamless and easy-to-use experience for both administrators and end-users.

As today’s complex digital environment continues to evolve at break-neck speed, your business and Identity and Access Management solution must evolve with it. To remain secure, you need to develop a holistic approach to Identity and Access Management that is deeply rooted in trust. For more information download our ebook Next Generation Identity and Access Management: The Trusted Experience Platform.

About the Author

Dayna Rothman

Dayna Rothman is the Chief Marketing Officer at OneLogin. Dayna is an accomplished marketing executive who focuses on building and scaling marketing organizations at high growth technology companies. Most recently, Dayna was VP of Marketing for D2iQ (FKA Mesosphere), and has received several marketing honors such as The Top 25 Women in Revenue, Top 20 B2B Startup Marketers to Watch in 2019, Top 40 Marketing Strategists of 2014, and an Expy Content Award nomination.

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