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OneLogin + One Identity delivering IAM together. Learn more

HR-Driven Identity and Access Management

OneLogin Integrates your HR and IT systems to manage employee identities
OneLogin HR Integration

The Challenge

Employee personally identifiable information (PII) is first captured and stored in a company’s human resource management system (HRMS), such as Workday, UKG, Namely or BambooHR. Synchronizing while protecting that employee data across systems such as Active Directory and business applications is often manual and error prone. This makes the employee on- and offboarding process unreliable and cumbersome for IT, HR, and employees. Moreover, as more employees join and move within the company and more applications are adopted, the complexity of managing employee data and access to tools hinders productivity and security.

The Solution

Control PII and App Access over the Employee Lifecycle

Employee identity management is a joint responsibility between IT and HR. With cloud-based HR-driven identity and access management (IAM) using OneLogin, companies benefit from HR’s role in keeping employee data accurate within the HRMS. That data is then automatically extended to IT-related functions, enabling IT to control and monitor access to all HR systems, IT directories, and applications. For the employee, quick access to the applications they need is easy yet secure from a centralized access portal.

The solution

Unify HR and IT Directories with Ease

Manual user provisioning and employee-managed app passwords aren’t foolproof. With OneLogin, IT teams can avoid troublesome integration projects and quickly integrate Workday, UKG, Namely or BambooHR with OneLogin’s universal cloud directory and other IT directories, including Active Directory, LDAP or G Suite.

Instantly grant and revoke employee access to applications based on real time employee status and customized security policies defined in OneLogin. Both company data and employee PII are safer with an added layer of access security.

Northland Power Inc.

OneLogin’s integration with Workday HCM enables Northland Power to automatically sync workforce-related accounts and attributes across our IT systems. This allows us to save time and increase productivity, as we’re able to minimize the number of touchpoints in administering user accounts while maintaining proper access controls across our portfolio of applications.

Allen Charles Manager, Information Technology at Northland Power Inc.


We’re confident that this new partnership will help IT and HR teams collaborate more effectively and provide more value to their organizations. Using our enhanced integration, OneLogin continuously checks for employee status updates in BambooHR. Status updates like newly-hired employees or roles changes then trigger IT tasks such as configuring accounts or updating access permissions, improving onboarding, offboarding, and data security.

Ryan Sanders COO and co-founder of BambooHR

Fast On/Off Boarding

Eliminate unnecessary time and effort required to activate and deactivate employee profiles across multiple HR management systems. Based on pre-configured access policies set by IT, HR can instantly grant and revoke an employees’ access to their job-specific applications in one step, without relying on IT.

Fast Access For End Users

With Single Sign-On (SSO) activated, employees are more productive from day one. And when they leave the company app access is revoked automatically when HR updates the employee record in the HRIS.

Implementation Showcase: HR-Driven Identity Automation 02:16

Implementation Showcase: HR-Driven Identity Automation

A global media holding company with over 20,000 employees needed HR-driven identity automation. Watch how the OneLogin Professional Services Team helped them design, plan and implement user provisioning from their HCM, resulting in lower IT costs and more streamlined employee lifecycle management.

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