How 1Password and OneLogin help you automate provisioning

Starting today, you can use OneLogin as a centralized source of truth to provision and manage your business accounts with the 1Password SCIM bridge. The SCIM bridge makes it simple to automate many everyday administrative tasks such as:

  • Provisioning and de-provisioning users in real-time
  • Creating and enforcing security policies
  • Adding a second factor of authentication when needed

What is 1Password?

1Password is the industry’s leading privacy-focused password manager, designed to keep you safe online. As the top choice for organizations looking to streamline secure access to enterprise information, OneLogin is a natural fit for integrating with 1Password. No wonder this integration has been requested by so many users!

Startups and enterprise companies alike rely on 1Password to protect their data, fortify their defenses, and empower their employees to make better security decisions.

How does this integration benefit you?

For existing or new OneLogin customers, the SCIM bridge significantly reduces the work required to onboard new employees, giving your IT staff more time to spend on other tasks.

The SCIM bridge, available to all 1Password Business accounts, makes it simple to strengthen your identity strategy and manage your teams by folding 1Password into your already established workflows. Administrators can remain hands-off and manage the team from one central place where they can invite employees, grant access to the correct groups, and even de-provision them when they leave.

And deployment is easy. OneLogin’s pre-built 1Password integration and powerful mappings and rules engine allow you to fully automate your 1Password deployment process.

“The 1Password SCIM bridge is the best way to automate provisioning of your team in 1Password Business. Which is why we’re excited to partner with OneLogin to give end-users an experience they love and IT the security and control they need.”

– Jeff Shiner

How it all works

OneLogin acts as a secure, virtual directory in the cloud that allows you to easily synchronize users across all of your directories, including Active Directory (AD), LDAP, Google Apps directory, OneLogin cloud directory, and HR directories.

The SCIM bridge delivers the high level of security and encryption that you expect from 1Password and OneLogin. This self-hosted 1Password service is deployable with a single click from multiple cloud providers or can be easily integrated into existing infrastructure. It connects to your identity provider using the industry-standard SCIM protocol. In that way, it bridges the gap between OneLogin as the identity provider and 1Password as the provisionee.

Because the SCIM bridge runs within a system under your control, your account’s encryption keys also stay under your control – right where they belong.

Together, OneLogin and 1Password Business provide you with a joint solution that gives you secure access, complete provisioning control, and peace of mind when it comes to your confidential information.

About the Author

Jeff Shiner

Jeff Shiner is CEO (Chief Eliminator of Obstacles) at 1Password, the password manager that’s used and loved by millions of people and over 50,000 businesses worldwide. Over the course of his career, Jeff has become an expert at growing businesses while still centering security. His 10 years at IBM and six years at Rosetta made him an expert in e-commerce and network security, all of which he brought to 1Password in 2012. Since then, he’s demonstrated that security, convenience, and usability are not mutually exclusive and successfully scaled 1Password from 20 employees to 200, all while maintaining healthy company culture for a remote workforce. Jeff considers himself a LEGO addict and in his free time, he enjoys lifting weights with his son.

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