Top Security Risks for Companies Adopting WFH Policies and How to Avoid Them

Introducing the Together as One: Facing Uncertainties Video Blog Series

OneLogin’s mission and focus during this time of uncertainty is for all of us to stay together as one, perhaps more so than ever before. With this in mind, we have a line-up of different OneLogin experts, who would like to share their thoughts about the new normal and how we can get through the coronavirus outbreak together. Come back each week to hear about topics ranging from security best practices to how to manage stress in times of crisis.

We are kicking off our video blog series by hearing from our Senior Director of Trust & Security in EMEA, Niamh Muldoon, about the top security risks for companies adopting work from home policies and how the remote workforce can avoid sacrificing security for productivity in these unprecedented times.

Learn About the Top Security Risks for Companies Adopting WFH Policies and How to Avoid These Risks

As companies around the world are adjusting to working remotely – their Security and IT teams are tasked with keeping their employees and organizations safe. The need to facilitate easy access to business systems while protecting users, data, and resources from hackers can be challenging, and often, as a shortcut, companies are taking data from secure systems and moving it to shared drives with little to no security, for ease of access across geographies.

In this vlog, our Senior Director of Trust and Security, Niamh Muldoon, discusses the situation in Europe with the growing COVID-19 crisis and how it’s affecting the remote workforce. She also explains what remote workers need to be aware of, and Niamh gives her best practice advice on business enablement for organizations.

“I urge organizations to ensure that security controls are supplied as they review and revise their business continuity frameworks and plans.”


About the Author

Niamh Muldoon

Niamh Vianney Muldoon, award-winning information security thought leader with extensive expertise in creating and leading global security initiatives across multiple industries. Muldoon is OneLogin’s EMEA Senior Director in Trust and Cybersecurity. Based in Dublin, Ireland, Muldoon heads-up all things trust, security, and privacy for OneLogins EMEA operations. This includes driving sales, engineering and customer service activities across the region.

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