WALLIX Group is a software company providing cyber security solutions and European specialist in privileged account governance. In response to recent regulatory change (NIS/GDPR in Europe and OVIs in France) and the cyber security threats affecting all companies today, Bastion helps users protect their critical IT assets: data, servers, terminals and connected objects. It is the first market solution to have been awarded first-level security certification (CSPN) by France’s National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) and thus meet all of the criteria for regulatory compliance.
OneLogin + WALLIX
OneLogin and WALLIX have joined forces to provide integrated solutions that increase the level of security and compliance of enterprises across the globe.
The joint solution from OneLogin and WALLIX Bastion increases the level of security and compliance of our customers, with the flexibility and scalability of the cloud.
Joint solution benefits:
1. Enforce secure single sign-on (SSO) and multifactor authentication (MFA) to WALLIX Bastion
2. Secure all user accounts and sessions access, for both privileged and non-privileged users